Odessa's Oddities & Curiosities | Week of 5/13/24

Dear friends,

Apologies for last week’s hiatus! I was working on finals until late on Sunday night, and I was squeezed dry of all creative output by Monday. But I have lots of recommendations for you! I’m now in summer mode for the next few weeks before I head back to New Haven — I’ll be a project manager for the Emotion, Health, and Psychophysiology Lab (while doing prep work for my senior thesis!) I’m savoring these weeks at home, but I’m also so excited for my East Coast summer. This semester was so exhausting that a 40-hour work week sounds so chill.

I got to spend 5 heavenly days in Hana in East Maui last week (thanks to United’s new Basic Economy fare & Cousin Karen’s lovely hospitality). I was on a 7:30am-7:30pm schedule with 12 glorious hours of sleep and so much fresh fruit (Karen turned me onto the queen of the fruits — Mangosteen, which sounds like Mango’s Jewish cousin). Karen and I swam at Hamoa Beach every day, which James Michener described as “a beach so perfectly formed that I wonder at its comparative obscurity”. And the rain! The rain in Hana is majestic. You can really feel the rain cloud swell over you then pass. I’ve been coming to Hana since I was a baby. And every time, Hana holds strong as my favorite place on planet Earth. Absolutely the best place to recover from this semester.

On the 4 plane rides over the last few weeks, I had the pleasure of watching a few movies/documentaries. My top recommendation (which I didn’t get to finish) is Fire of Love — holy shit! I remember hearing about it when it came out, but the storytelling is masterful, and just the overwhelming awe that something like volcanoes exist! I also watched Anyone But You — meh! Mother of the Bride — meh! (Please read this exactly as Larry David would). American Fiction — so good!

In Hawaii, I read The Orchard by David Hopen (Yale grad!) — delicious and dark and very Secret-History-esque if that novel took place at a Modern Orthodox high school. I finished reading with so many more questions than I started. Karen also introduced me to this fabulous book of poetry: Responsibility to Awe by Rebecca Elson.

Speaking of poetry, I have a few poetry recommendations that I (embarrassingly) collected from Instagram: “Don’t Hesitate” by Mary Oliver — a reminder to always give into joy! Also “Interview” by Jordan Kapono Nakamura.

And a moment of appreciation for my brilliant tutor for Daily Themes this semester: Prof Carol Morse, who truly cradled and rekindled my love of writing this semester. She quoted this Graham Greene quote to me: “A story has no beginning or end: arbitrarily one chooses that moment of experience from which to look back or from which to look ahead.”

Some articles to feast on…

What is the state of the honey bee? Can you kill them if they infest your home? Read this myth-busting article.

Elastic shoelaces!!! BRILLIANT. My shoelaces are perpetually undone. I need these!

Are we too generous with standing ovations? McWhorter is a contrarian (as can be expected). This article has crossed my mind a few times, and I did once, choose to stay seated.

This silly tour of the music industry’s obsession with caffeine (in songs, at least).

Some podcasts…

R’Jason was interviewed in this brilliant podcast Identity/Crisis, hosted by Yehuda Kurtzer on the Role of Hillel on Campus. I’m definitely adding this podcast to my rotation.

Speaking of new podcasts, I’m obsessed with this new podcast series from Amy Poehler (did anyone listen to Say More with Dr? Sheila — it’s in the same auditory (?) universe). Women Talkin’ ‘Bout Murder is a spectacular spoof of true-crime podcasts — I was cackling while going through security at the airport.

Also, Wendover Production gives a great and juicy summary video of the rise of Bukele in El Salvador.

I had an extremely San Francisco moment in my Lyft back from the airport. My driver (with the best laugh) had just moved from San Francisco from Brazil and spoke very rudimentary English. One thing about me is that I love chatting with Lyft drivers! So we’re chatting — I’m getting the life story in bits and pieces. And he tells me how he was a lawyer in Brazil and he came to San Francisco for LLM. And I’m like: Ah, large language models! How interesting! And I start pestering him with questions about the intersection of AI and law. I’m teaching him how to pronounce large language model. I’m joking that only in San Francisco would people know what LLM stands for. He’s like is LLM free? And I’m like of course! ChatGPT is free! He is surprised. But then he doesn’t know what ChatGPT is and I realize there may have been a miscommunication here…then I remember that a LLM is a graduate qualification in the field of law…only in San Francisco would I assume large language model.

My cousin Claire’s new single, Boat, is on repeat all the time these days. So hypnotic and beautiful. I also have a new obsession with Thee Sacred Souls (who performed at the Mill Valley Music Festival this past weekend).

Happily back in the flow of Mill Valley with many trips to Sycamore Park with Rosie, my 30-day pass at the rec center (I’m coming back to Water Aerobics with the senior ladies!), trips to Trader Joe’s & Target, hikes, and catching up with old friends.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the incredible and powerful maternal figures in my life! But especially, my mom! We spent the weekend snuggling, giggling, and “urban-foraging” (ie shopping).

Until next week!

With love & curiosity,



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